I consider my self to be a good man,a "nice fellow",a kind human being(and as a human i have my "bad" moments),so i can't explain this:why every time i am in my "best",why every time i feel happy,productive,almost "needed",why every f*cking time that i don't see my self as a useless piece of sh*t something bad happens to me?
I thought that the best way to let you know is to include the "wake-me-up" note,i left for my parents(with some extra details for you written in the [] ).Read and...well,you won't cry,but you won't enjoy it for sure:
"Good morning (as good as it can be),
as you know,last night i went for a drink with my good friend V.[We went to Diatiriteo bar,where Jon Kennedi was on the decks and we enjoyed every minute of his dj-ing skills!The first drink was followed by a second one,since the music was great and the women were...interesting.]We were standing a few steps from the wardrobe,so we could "blink" our jackets.Around 4 pm,we decided to leave.
Unfortunately,something bad had happened in the meanwhile.Someone had opened the inside pocket of my jacket and stole my old cell phone,my driving license(both for car and motorbike) and my identity card.My friend V.,people from the bar and i believe that it all happened in a second or two,maybe when V. or i went to the WC.Still,i feel very stupid!!!
As i already told you,the cell phone was the old red one.It makes me sad,but not that much.[shit,i just remembered:in that phone i had a couple of messages from one assh*le,sms-es from a man who maybe caused the loss of my favorite radio station!].What worries me the most is that i have to get a new ID card and driving license(s).That's why i really HAVE to wake up early tomorrow!
I am going to bed now but i want to ask you a favor.I know this is not the first time something like this happened to me.I know that lost time and money is not something that we can afford,especially "now".I know that i am a citizen now and i have to be more responsible.I know...i know that there are so many things that i should know and consider,but now i can think of one thing only:i am very sad and angry(mostly with myself)!So,please,do me a favor:be kind enough to support me in this,don't fight me!
Thank you and i will see you in a couple of hours,to tell you everything while drinking coffee..."
[P.S.:I hate violence.I really do.I use violence very rarely,only if someone-dangerously and intensive-threats me or my friends's health,body integrity and/or life.Since i want to be honest i have to share with you this:i can ensure you that if i catch one bloody thief in my hands,if i ever see someone stealing (not only mine,but even a stranger's property),if i find out that someone is having his hand streched and tries to reach someone else's laborious belongings i will bit the hell out of him!I have sworn to my self that i will not stop hitting,not until my hands start bleeding!]
While posting,i was listening to these songs,which relax and "travel" me(and somehow got connected in my mind with this post),and this one,which every time i listen to,gives me hope for "a better tomorrow" and a better world,where life is like movies..."the good wins in the end"...Kisses to all!!
20 σχόλια:
Shit happens friend…especially when going out, when you are relaxed drinking…don’t be so strict with your self. I know you felt like shit especially for the sms and what you have to do about the licenses (it happened to me 2 years ago). Now about violence, I have lived the experience of punching a boxing bag till my fists were bleeding badly. This is going to make you feel good for minutes. I am talking about all these, cause, I hate violence as well, bue to my training I know how to use it, but most of the times that I reaching that point, I am deciding that, nothing is going to change, me or someone else will end up to a hospital and nothing more…it is much more mature and responsible to control your instincts. At the end don’t worry friend, they say that, everything happens of a good reason…
@ jijikas :Kalhmera,filarako."Ka8e empodio,se kalo",opws lene kai to eipa prin 1-2 meres se mia filh.Den ginetai,omws,na mou sumbainei to idio akribws "empodio",ka8e xrono!
Oso gia ta insticts,sorry,alla MIA FORA den 8elw na ta sugkrathsw kai MIA FORA na steilw kapoion sto nosokomeio!Allwste,mou(tou) aksizei!
By the way,mporeis na grafeis sta ellhnika...Ta leme apo konta suntoma!!!
@Ybonnh : Sorry gia auto to "anwmalo" kalwsorisma sto blogaki mou.Ti na peis parapanw?Ta filia sou,pantws,apalunan ton pono mou...Ta filia mou,stenaxwrhmena...
ma ti meres einai aytes,as perasei
aytos o mhnas, Den PAeI Allo!
*thanx gia ta tragoydia
*les na htan baltoi?! xax
Καταλαβαίνω και τα νεύρα και τη σύγχιση και την απογοήτευσή σου. Όλα θα γίνουν. Φρόντισε μόνο να είσαι ήρεμος και υπομονετικός (το'χω πάθει 2 φορές).
Αν θέλεις έχω μια παλιά ασημένια συσκεύη να σου στείλω :)
Θα περάσει Πασχάλη μου απλά προσπάθησε να μην υπάρξει επόμενη φορά.
Φιλιά στους γονείς :)
@ Xrysopsaraki : Den kserw an htan baltoi(poioi,bre?xixi) h oxi,pantws pros8esan allh mia asxhmh anamnhsh se authn thn..."axarakthristh" giortinh mera!Ta filia mou,taragmena...
@ me:moir : Ypo8etw pws me exeis ma8ei ws twra!Hdh hremhsa!Eimai sto magazaki,"mageireuw" kai auto mou kanei panta kalo!Hdh gelaw,pali!Xixi!Ta filia mou,ka8hsuxastika!!!
@ Meneksedia : Thanks gia thn "prosfora",Malinaki!An kai eimai "kalummenos" apo kinhto,ksereis ti 8a h8ela?Na mou to fereis esu,oxi gia na parw to kinhto,alla thn xara pou mou dinei h "parousia" sou!
Oso gia thn prospa8eia,opws apodeiknuetai,den arkei!
S'euxaristw pou skeftesai tous goneis mou!Antapodidoun!Xixi!
Ta filia mou,anazowgonnhmena!!!
Αλήθεια το μπλοκ πως εχει προκυψει στα αγγλικα αφου εισαι Ελληνας??
Op!Poios egrapse kai to esbhse?Anyway...
@ Yvonnh : An diabaseis kapoio apo ta paliotera posts mou,8a deis oti exw filous sto ekswteriko (eidika sth Serbia,opou spoudasa) pou tous aresei na diabazoun ki as mhn sxoliazoun (edw estw).
Elpizw na se "kalupsa".
Ta filia mou,opws sou aresoun:pa8iasmena...
αχ,βρε φιλαράκι είδες τι παθαίνεις όταν χαζέυεις interesting girls..και συχνάζεις σε άλλα μπαράκια..;;
μην πέφτεις..να θυμάσαι όλα στη ζωή είναι δανεικά.
ας ελπίσουμε ότι θα ξυπνάς νωρίς στο εξής,χωρίς να χρειάζεται να πάθεις για να μάθεις!!
@ Efi : Treloefoudiii!Xaxaxa!Kata to meshmeraki eixa arxisei hdh na (xamo)gelaw,dhladh kseperasa to sok!
Ola einai daneika opws eipes...allwste,mazi mas 8a ta paroume?
Oso gia to prwino ksupnhma...den uposxomai,alla th Deutera to prwi mallon 8a sou kerasw ekeino to kafedaki pou xrwstaw!
Ta filia mou,Sabbatokuriakatika!!!
P.S.:Na ftiakseis ena rhmado-blog epitrelous!(nomizes 8a thn glutwnes?xixi)...
(op,molis eida ena parapanisio R sto epitelous...to afhnw,giati sou paei!!!)
Opa...grousouzia...na kai to 14o comment,na mas paei kala to SK...xexe!!!
mpas kai eimai egw o gkantemhs re sy?
prwth fora vgainoume 8essalonikh meta ton kwlostrato kai symvainei ayto!!..
ti na peis..
Νεαρέ μου προσκληθήκατε :)
@ v@g : Kalws hr8es sto blog mou,aderfako!
Ela,mhn akouw xazomares!Auta sumbainoun "tuxaia",eidika otan pernas kala!8a exoume na 8umomaste!Ola kala!
Elpizw na ta ksanapoume suntoma apo konta!!!
@ Meneksedia : Kalws thn!Anarrwses?Elpizw na eisai kalutera!
Gia na tsekarw kai thn prosklhsh twra!
Ta filia mou...perierga!!!
όχι πλήρως αλλα είμαι πολύ καλύτερα :) τα φιλια μου αποκλεισμένα χαχαχαχαχαχαχαχαχαχα
Καλά ρε, ήσουν τόσα χρόνια πάνω στη Σερβία με τους αρχιπορτοφολάδες και την πάτησες από τους ερασιτέχνες Έλληνες πορτοφολάδες;
@ Ploutwnios : Ader-f*ck-o,ti kaneis?Ola kala?Xa8hkes!
Ase,thn pathsa san...abgaltos!Ti na kaneis?Etsi einai auta...
Elpizw na eisai kala kai na se doume suntoma...
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